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Key points about knowledge management from "The Art of Readable Code"

Josh Wong
Content Strategist & Technical Writer

This month, I read The Art of Readable Code: Simple and Practical Techniques for Writing Better Code on Kindle.

I wish I'd read this book years ago. As a technical writer and knowledge management specialist, the first part focuses on knowledge management and best practices for documentation within code. I found those topics interesting, especially since coding is only a hobby of mine and not a daily work activity.

Adding a smart function to my heated blanket

· 4 min read
Josh Wong
Content Strategist & Technical Writer

Every autumn and winter, I avoid turning on the HVAC units and space heaters in my apartment until absolutely necessary. The reason I wait is because:

  • Those units are not energy efficient, which causes environmental waste and a higher electricity bill.
  • The air becomes dry, which causes dry mouth, dry nostrils, and dry eyes.
  • My spouse and I have different thresholds for bedroom temperature.

To address these concerns, I decided to buy a heated blanket and make it "smart."

Recap of my participation in the 2022 TELL 21,007 Step Up Challenge

· 3 min read
Josh Wong
Content Strategist & Technical Writer

This year, I participated in the Step Up Challenge by TELL Japan, which is an event to honor the people who lost their lives to suicide in Japan in 2021. The purpose of this event is to raise mental-health awareness and funds for TELL to continue providing lifesaving services to the English-speaking community in Japan. Although you can participate in the event solo or as a group, I decided to join as an individual.