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12 docs tagged with "Bitcoin Cash Node on Raspberry Pi"

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Clean up old files

You should clean up your SSD since you no longer need the files from your previous Bitcoin Cash Node installation.


You have now finished setting up Bitcoin Cash Node on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu Desktop.


You have now finished upgrading Bitcoin Cash Node on a Raspberry Pi 4 Ubuntu Desktop.


This tutorial describes how to install and set up Bitcoin Cash Node on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu Desktop (64-bit). You'll focus on using the Bitcoin Cash Node graphical user interface (GUI) so that you can visualize processes on the blockchain and your Bitcoin Cash wallet transactions.


The set of Bitcoin Cash Node tutorials in this section includes instructions for the following:


This tutorial describes how to upgrade Bitcoin Cash Node on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu Desktop (64-bit).

Prepare your device

This tutorial assumes that you've already installed and configured Ubuntu Desktop on your Raspberry Pi to your liking and have mounted the SSD to your Raspberry Pi.

Prepare your device

Before upgrading Bitcoin Cash Node, you should back up your wallet (in the .dat file format) and update your device. This will help ensure a smooth upgrade process.