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Add apps and games (Zune HD only)

If you have a Zune HD, you can install apps and games on your device. However, many of the apps, especially ones that require connecting to an external service, no longer work because those services have changed their APIs or have been decommissioned. Most of the games should be playable.

Go to Zune HD on Dropbox. Then, click Download, and specify a folder to save the file to.

Go to the folder where you downloaded the ZIP file to. Right-click Zune HD and click Extract All.

Follow the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders wizard to extract the files.

Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Zune. At the top of the File Explorer window, click New and select Folder. Then, name the new folder Applications.

In the folder that you extracted the apps and games to, select which ones you want to add to your Zune. Then, move them into the Applications folder.

Connect your Zune device and open the Zune software. All the apps and games will automatically sync to your Zune.